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A man standing on a loose stone path in a field holding a small gardening tool and a bottle carrier in his hand

A man standing on a loose stone path in a field holding a small gardening tool and a bottle carrier in his hand

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A man standing on a loose stone path in a field holding a small gardening tool and a bottle carrier in his hand
A blackboard divided into days of the week, with small metal signs attached to the chalk tray
A hand holding a bunch of herbs in a garden

Image Professionals ArtShop

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A la Image Professionals ArtShop
ID de la Imagen:11164693
Subtítulo:A man standing on a loose stone path in a field holding a small gardening tool and a bottle carrier in his hand
Tipo de Licencia:Derechos gestionados
Proveedor:StockFood / Content Agency
Tamaño de fotografía:3420 px x 5110 px
Restricciones: not available in AU
not available in IT