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Original bottle decorations for a summer party

Original bottle decorations for a summer party

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Watermelon and vodka ice lollies in an ice bucket
Toast topped with avocado and feta
Original bottle decorations for a summer party
Pissaladiere with onions, sardines, olives and cherry tomatoes
Berry jelly cubes with vodka
Champagne cocktails with raspberries
Tequila Summer Suns cocktail
A buffet for a summer party in a garden
A melon caipirinha
A signpost pointing towards a drinks buffet
Cherry tomato tarts for a summer party
Pork and coriander on lettuce leaves

Esta fotografía forma parte de un reportaje

© Reportaje de Great Stock! | 12 Imágenes y Texto

Mix'n'match edibles for a summer party, with relaxed 'anything goes' styling ideas to set off some tasty treats. It's all very cute and whimsical, from the Schezuan pork served in lettuce leaf cups to berrylicious boozy jelly squares, a teaspoon at a time. Colourful champagne cocktails, a pissaladière that's perfect for sharing, and some charming alternatives to outdoor ice buckets. Let the conversation flow...

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ID de la Imagen:11096914
Subtítulo:Original bottle decorations for a summer party
Tipo de Licencia:Derechos gestionados
Proveedor:StockFood / Great Stock!
Tamaño de fotografía:3413 px x 5120 px